Fundamental Knowledge for Deep Learning & Natural Language Processing
This list just includes the core of related knowledge in deep learning and natural language processing. The all the courses listed here is personally tested by myself. I believ they are the best until now from and only from my personal persepctive. This list is updating as time goes on...
Natural Language Processing *
- CS 124: From Languages to Information (First course in NLP!)
- CSE490U: Natural Language Processing - Winter 2017 (for undergraduates) - Noah Smith
CSEP 517: Natural Language Processing - Spring 2017 (for professional master students) - Noah Smith
- University of WashingtonInstructor: Noah Smith
- Syllabus and Vedio Lectures
- CSE 517: NLP (for Ph.D. students)-Spring 2018 - Noah Smith
- CSE 599D1: Advanced NLP (for Ph.D. students)-Spring 2016 - Noah Smith
- 601.465 - Natural Language Processing - Fall 2017 - Jason Eisner
- COMP 790.139: Natural Language Processing (Fall 2017)- Mohit Bansal
- CS4650 - Natural Language Understanding (Spring 2017) - Jacob Einsten
- CMU NLP Courses (Theory+Practice)
- CIS 700: Advanced Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing-Dan Roth
- Fall 2016 – CS6501 Natural Language Processing – Kw Chang
- CS269 Seminar: Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing - Kw Chang
- CMU-CS-11-731: Machine Learning and Sequence to Sequence Models -Graham Neubig
Machine Learning
Introduction Level
- Book
- A Course in Machine Learning(2017 2ed.超级经典!) - by DumIII
- General Notations and Introduction
- Neural Networks Demystified (非常好的神经网络入门讲解资源- from youtube)
- Course
- COMS W4995 - Applied Machine Learning - Spring2019 - Andreas C. Müller(偏重实践,极佳入门)
- CMU-10601- Introduction to machine learning
- Spring 2015(with all meterials)
- Spring 2018(only slides)
- CS229- Fall 2017 - Andrew Ng. *
- Machine Learning - Fall 2017 - 李宏毅 *
- DS-GA 1003 Spring 2017- Machine Learning and Computational Statistics
- OXFORD - Machine Learning( 2014~2015) - Nando de Freitas
- CPSC340 - Machine Learning and Data Mining - (Undergraduate Level)-2012 - Nando de Freitas
- CPSC540 - Machine Learning - Mastter Level -2013-Nando de Freitas
- CS446 - Machine Learning - Dan Roth
More Advanced
Alex Smola (very important and systematic)-Ph.D. Level*
CMU-10-702-Spring 2017: Statistical Machine Learning
Assuming sutdent have taken: 10-715 and 36-705
Deep Learning
- Book
- General and Introduction
General Deep Learning
- Course
- UC Berkely(适合入门,hands on!)
- Stanford CS 230- Deep Learning(Andrew Ng)
- Neural Networks for Machine Learning (Hinton)
- Machine Learning and Having It Deep and Structured - Spring 2018-李宏毅(持续更新中)
- MLDS - Spring 2017 - 李宏毅
- EPFL-IDIAP-EE-559-Deep Learning
- MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
- CMU-Deep Learning
- DS-GA-1008 Deep Learning, Spring 2017- Yann LeCun
For Natural language processing *
- CMU-CS 11-747- Neural Networks for NLP-Spring 2019
- OXFORD- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing: 2016-2017 (Phil Blunsom)
- Stanford-CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning-2018
- (Small Lesson) - Embeddings and Deep Learning - Hinrich Schutze
- DS-GA 1011 Fall 2017- Natural Language processing with Representation Learning ( Bowan and Cho )
For Computer Vision
- Course
- Stanford CS 231N
- Learning to see (很好的讲CV入门的课程,from youtube)
Reforcement Learning ( with deep or not)
- Introduction and General notations
- Course
Linear / Abstract Algebra
- Book
- Course
- MIT 18.06- Strang (Should be the FIRST CHOICE!) *
- Essence of Linear algebra(3Blue1Brown)
- Coding the Matrix
Probabaility, Stats and Informaton theory
- Probability and Statistics 4th - DeGroot & Schervish
- MITx-6.041Probability
- HARVARD - Statistics 110: Probability (Should be the first one!) *
- CS109: Probability for Computer Scientists (Or this is the 1st) *
- DS-GA 1001 Introduction to Data Science (2017)
- DS-GA 1002: Statistical and Mathematical methods(2015)
- DS-GA 1002: Probability and Statistics for Data Science(2017)
- DUKE-STA663: Computational Statistics and Statistical Computing ( Should be the first one! )
- CMU-10-705: Intermediate Statistics - Larry Wasserman
- ECE598: Information-theoretic methods in high-dimensional statistics
- STAT364/664: Information theory
Math for Machine Learning
- Book
- Video
Math for CS and EE
Computational Science and Engineering- Gilbert Strang
- Stanford CS20- Tensorflow for deep learninng research
- TensorFlow_Course
- Tensorflow for deep learning research(youtube)
- Deep Learning with Tensorflow(EdX)
- TensorFlow 101
- x
- y
Data Science
First of all, a curriculum about data science created by David Venturi is here. It’s serious and important for someone want to engage into data science. I promise!